You can Rely on Reliance

We provide strategic consultative business development and backoffice support services

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What our clients have to say…

“My first year was tough. We had just experienced a seriously high-growth period and were finding it a challenge to respond to customers fast enough. Partnering with Reliance has been a game changer! Within our first month ,we were able to reduce our response time from ~10hrs. to 1hr.

We are very pleased with how our relationship with Reliance has panned out, they hit the ground running and have delivered more than I though they could.

Just Wow!

Just some of the services we can provide!

Marketing & Design

We can design stationary, brochures, email campaigns, websites and promote your business online and offline.

CRM Development

Our in house custom software can manage your all your client invoicing and integrates with leading online payment platforms and accounts systems.

24/7 Support

Our highly skilled and expereinced customer service staff can handle your key customer relationships round the clock.

Business Development

Our business development team are leaders in their field and have a proven track record in converting leads for our clients.

Virtual Assistant

Let us provide all your basic telephone answering, live chat and general enquiries.

Social Media

Through our partners we can provide a fully intergarted social media platform.

Like what you see? Want to get in touch? Use the form below!

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